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Used 2011 Bag of Ice XL1900 Commercial Bagged Bulk Ice Vending Machine Kiosk!!!

2009 Bag Of Ice Xl1900 Bagged Ice Machine Tennessee for Sale
$46,900 Item No: TN-I-184N Location: Tennessee - Pickup Only for this item
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This is a Bag of Ice model XL1900 ice vendor. It is in very good condition. It can be moved anywhere and used wherever there are electrical and water hook ups.

$46,900 in Tennessee

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Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more bagged ice vending machines like this here!
This is a Bag of Ice brand freestanding ice vendor. It's in very good condition.

When I bought my ice machine it had several issues. We have been through a lot getting it to run. The first three years there were several manufacturing defects. For instance the main electric box held water due to condensation building up, another example was the motor on the auger was not straight and it went around and around on an angle. Stan came out and re-welded it to run properly. I also had a second auger installed that helped me be able to hold more ice without running out. I had a one year warranty but after it ran out they worked with us. This machine has the best ice maker in it hoshizaki and it works better now. One reason is that we modified the filter system. The one they recommended just didn't work. But now it gives me very little issues. I clean it about every 6 weeks and that is about all of the maintenance I have to do. The last problem I had, I consulted bag of
ice and they disagreed with my suggestion. It turned out that I was right. It was a $4 dollar relay.

However, after your warranty runs out you can get bag of ice help if you pay a $300 fee through a web site or something like it. That's the only thing I really don't like about them. I have downloaded the service manual from hoshizaki and I have learned how to fix just about anything that has gone wrong with my machine. I have become very familiar with all of the parts. All in all it has been a good machine after we got the kinks worked out.

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