Please list the Meadow Creek equipment models on this trailer - chicken cookers, smoker, pig roaster, sinks etc
3 pit chicken cooker BBQ96..capacity 120lb ..32''x36'' grates approx.30 halves/grate . Coals to grate distance 20'' .....Smoker TS500 lenght 202'' cooking area over 45sq.ft. (6600 sq. inches)....PR 72 GT pig roaster dual purpose cooker indirect heat. Dual shut-offs and thermo-coupled pilot make this unit as safe as cooking in your kitchen...operate with indirect propane gas or indirect charcoal tray that inserts.
3 bowl hand sink approx 48'' length with working space on top if not used....installed by USA Food Carts and high flow commercial extractor fans also installed by USA Food Carts.
Please describe the cooking or work flow in the trailer, particularly the chicken cookers working from one side?
The chicken cookers is the same size each. Depending on how much chicken you want to cook there is 3 compartments where you can control different temperatures by the amount of charcoal you put in each. All 3 compartments have 2 levels for the charcoal trays to operate at. You can also feed the trays with fresh coals from your smoker firebox to control different desired temperatures.
Is the pig roaster and chicken cookers gas or wood/charcoal burning?
The Pig roaster is a dual purpose cooker that can operate with gas or charcoal ( whatever your preference is for the day ) It has a separate charcoal coal tray constructed with high strength steel that easily insert into the cooker. The pit cookers operate with charcoal or wood ( whatever your preference is for the day )
The smoker in the rear is then obliviously hardwood/charcoal of your choice. Hope this helps. Kind Regards.