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TENNESSEE RETIREMENT SALE- Food Truck Park with Land, Facilities, House, Farmer's Market, and More!!!

Kitchen Food Trailer Tennessee for Sale
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
This seller, who has been in the food business for 40 years, is retiring and ready to pass this amazing property on to it's next lucky keeper! It includes: Land, 2 concession trailers (food & shaved ice), farmer's market produce trailer, stage, rental house, and so much more. A food truck park, but used for everything from Christmas tree sales to Fireworks stands to flea markets and live entertainment. This is an all or nothing deal, but feel free to call for specs. More details below!
$909,500 in Tennessee
Here is a general breakdown of what's included in this property deal:


Note: On the aerial pic, the two buildings with a X on them aren’t part of the property. Some of the photos show examples of property usage by renters, etc. The block borders on the pic are the property boundaries.

* Building with restroom, indoor dining, and a food commissary in it; has blacktop parking lot. The other parking lot is gravel.
* An Asian food kitchen trailer that stays year round, the owners also rent the house that is on the property.
* Warehouse type building. It has a covered stage on the front of it that is used for live music, and Karaoke from time to time. The sponsors that advertise on the stage currently pay $500.00 a year for their advertising.
*The largest red roof (see aerial pic) is covered outdoor dinning. Also good for yard sale, and farmers market. Seller parks one of his kitchen trailers under the other red roof.
*Four 50 amp power plugs for food trailers, no generators needed
*Seller's own 3 mobile food / beverage units are included:
A full kitchen concession trailer, with three ton heat and air unit. State health department score is 100.
A beverage / shaved ice concession trailer, catering liquor by the drink, has beer license.
A rustic style farmer's market / produce trailer

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