Social Media for your Food Truck Business

Social media is a fantastic way to engage customers and market your food. There are so many benefits when it comes to social media. Could you get along without it? —Maybe, I mean we didn’t always use it, right? Let’s get real, this is the world now, so let’s take advantage of it.
Those little ideas that pop in your head, don’t have to stay there anymore. Take that idea, and make it a reality through social media. Using a social media account, allows you direct access to your customers and their opinions. Now, you can get immediate feedback on those crazy ideas you have for your Food truck business.
Some business owners feel like they might lose their voice on social media—but they would be wrong. This is the perfect way to be yourself and engage your customers on a whole new level. Let’s talk about a few ideas that you might find time for.
As always, make these your own, and get creative!
Don’t know where to start?
Tell your story
We have talked about being personal before, here it is again. That is because your customers will appreciate getting to know you. When they know you, they feel like they know your business.
You don’t have to make videos or anything like that, (although that would be fantastic), you could.. start with a catchy tagline “I love my city/town” or (City name)” Born and raised”. Of course, it should be true, and you should feel passionate about it.
Update often
Having a Food truck business gives your full access to content. Sometimes, it can be hard to find ideas for posts, that’s why you have to take advantage of what is right in front of you. If your line is long, take a picture and post it.
If someone is raving about your food, ask if they want to quote that for your site, or even take a selfie with you. New menu items on your board? You better be taking pictures of that! That is just outside of the truck.
Think about those food items you make that look like they have come out of a catalog, grab a quick shot of it! Document anything connected to your business, including yourself. Shopping trips for some fresh produce or new equipment would make great posts too.
Keep your customers informed
Once you have established your online persona, you will realize that people care about what’s happening. They will be interested, because you are providing them with great content.
The more you are able to connect with them, the more they will come back. Building relationships with your customers will benefit you in the long run.
Be social and have fun!
Listen to your customers
Not every customer will respond to your social media pages with the best advice—but you should see what they have to say. If you have chosen to ask questions on your page about your business, make sure the question is beneficial to it.
One of your many jobs is to make the customers happy. This might be one of the most important actually. You might think you know what they want—but the best way to find out, is to ask.
Don’t be afraid of the opinions, these could ultimately change the outcome of your food truck business.
Take pictures and share them with your followers. People love good sharable content. People also love knowing what’s going on behind the scenes of places they visit. Share pictures, videos, stories, comments, and do it often.
These are just a few quick tips to try out with your Food Truck business. There are so many more detailed ideas that we would love to share with you. (Let’s save that for another post!).
Try a few of these out and let us know how it goes. If you changed something, or even came up with your own ideas, we would love to hear about it. For those of you that are already using social media, we would love to know what you think too!