Naming Your Food Truck – Do’s and Don’ts

Naming Your Food Truck – Do’s and Don’ts
We all have that Dream about running our successful business oneday. Can you see it? A line down the street, everyone loving your food and service. “Thanks for stopping by……” HMMM…. What should I call it?
***First things first, don’t jump into a name that you didn’t give any thought. Whatever you decide, should represent your food truck concept, be catchy and memorable. The next thing you should think about is if this name will be appropriate if or when you expand the menu.
DO- Choose a descriptive name, so that customers are informed right away of the menu items on your truck. A business with a name that identifies their products or services tends to be more successful than business with a non-descriptive name.
DO Run a few names by your friends, family, and coworkers. Think about the people that know you and what your selling, they will be the most vocal and responsive. On the flip side, it is important to get the opinions of your future customers. Take some samples to the street to gather those descriptive words. (sweet, savory, delicious, hot, cold, awesome….)
DO Think about the spelling and pronunciation of the name. Having a quirky/fun name is popular right now, but make sure it easy to say and google. You want customers to remember the name of your business and be able to find you online.
DO Try different versions of the name and think about the visual impact it has. Mix it up to see how it sounds and looks. Will it look good on the truck? Will it look good on your business cards or website? Trial and error is effective when creating a business name and logo. Don’t settle without asking others – fresh eyes without bias see things totally different than your own!
DON’T name your truck too soon! Make sure you take your time and think about the importance of a right and wrong name. Make it new and make it you!
DON’T choose a name that is too trendy. Remember, trends don’t usually last long. Pick something timeless, meaning it will sound good today and in twenty years.
DON’T use another businesses name. Remember, Truck names can be trademarked, so check first. This is why it was a good idea to have multiple ideas for a name. You don’t want to choose a name that is taken and have to change it, or worse get sued over it. This can be avoided by visiting the federal patent and trademarks office website where you can do a PTO search to verify that the name has not already been trademarked and where you can apply to protect it for your own brand!
Later we will discuss great ways to brand your food truck or trailer!