5 Tips to Sell Your Food Truck Quickly

Anyone selling a vehicle will agree that they don’t want to wait too long between posting the listing and actually selling it, especially knowing that vehicles depreciate in value as time goes by. If you’re selling a used food truck, you may have the same sentiment, and no one can blame you. After all, you’re essentially losing money every day you’re not using the food truck now that it’s been listed for sale.
When you first started your food truck business, you had to do some research and planning for different things, from choosing the most profitable food truck items to include in your menu to making sure the truck is pretty enough to attract customers. And now that you’re selling the food truck, you’ll still have to make sure it attracts buyers so you can sell it as quickly as possible.
Here are a few tips to help you do just that.
What’s Inside
Ensure the food truck is presentable
A good impression counts for a lot, so go ahead and make sure the food truck is clean – both the cab and the kitchen area. Don’t forget about the decals and bumper stickers that aren’t part of the wrap on the truck.
Apart from how the truck looks, you’ll want to ensure its preventive maintenance is up to date, and if there are any minor problems, get them fixed. It’ll take some cash out of your wallet, but it also means you’ll have fewer problems, if any, to list on the vehicle description. That will make the food truck more appealing to potential buyers, especially if they see they won’t have to have it taken to a shop for repairs and maintenance for some time because of the extra steps you took to make sure it’s fully functional.
Get good quality photos
You can’t just list a vehicle for sale without including a few photographs, and that’s especially true with food trucks. Potential buyers will want to see the inside, the kitchen layout, and any other extras that come with the setup. Without good photos, people will typically place bids that are lower than what you were hoping to receive, and you may well end up waiting longer than you would have to sell the food truck for a good price.
If you’re unsure about taking the photos yourself, get a professional to do it, or a friend who’s very handy with a camera. You may want to have 20 to 30 photos taken so that you can show the exterior and interior of the food truck in detail. Don’t forget to take multiple shots so you can choose the best-looking ones to include in your listing.
Take time to craft the headline and description
Just like an eye-catching title and good synopsis can get people interested in a novel, TV series, or movie, so can a well-crafted headline and description draw attention to your food truck listing.
First off, you want others to find your food truck, so make the headline as detailed as you can. Don’t forget to include details such as if it has all-wheel-drive or automatic transmission; the more details you include, the better chances it has of showing up in a search.
As for the description itself, don’t forget to include explanations for any problems and vehicle incidents, whether or not the damage was repaired. Including a short vehicle history and not hiding what has been added or replaced – in other words, being honest – will help make buyers feel good about you and may have a lot to do with how quickly you sell the food truck. This is particularly true since buyers won’t be able to really inspect the vehicle themselves until you agree to meet in person so they can see the truck.
Between the photos you include in the listing and the description itself, however, buyers should be able to get a good idea of what to expect with your food truck.
Consider posting a low base price
This may seem counter-intuitive, but many online vehicle sellers recommend settling on a low base price. This will entice more potential buyers to place bids, and in some cases, these bidders can get quite competitive. When this happens, they may try to outdo each other’s offers and you’ll likely end up selling the food truck for more than you originally planned. Of course, you may also let it go for exactly the price you wanted, and there’s nothing wrong with that.
Include contact information and be responsive
Someone wanting to buy a used food truck is likely to have questions for the seller, so making sure that buyers know how to contact you by placing that information in a prominent location in the listing will help you build a good reputation as a seller. The same thing goes for you taking the time to reply to inquiries as soon as they come in,
Today’s world is a fast-paced one, so the sooner people get their answers and have any concerns alleviated, the better. Not only will they look at you more favorably because of how responsive and helpful you are as a seller, but they’ll also be more inclined toward the food truck you’re selling since they now know more about it than they did before they contacted you.
Speaking of contact information, if you’re selling your food truck to get out of the industry, then consider offering buyers the login information to any social media accounts tied to it. After all, you have no reason to hold on to any of them, and even if the buyer won’t want to re-use your brand, the gesture itself is a good one. That’s another thing that will count towards a good reputation.
All in all, selling a food truck quickly isn’t so different from selling any other vehicle. You just need to account for a few other things like extra equipment. Just remember the above tips and you’ll find yourself making a sale in no time.
If you want to look for more information or still need help selling your food truck, visit this page to get started and set up a FREE seller profile at UsedVending.
Our website attracts hundreds of traffic and potential buyers every day. With this, we give you more chances to meet the best buyer of your used food truck.
For more expert tips on how to sell your food truck, check out this guide here!