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(2) 2022 Everest VX4 Bagged Ice and Filtered Water Vending Machines For Sale in Indiana!

2022 Vx4 Bagged Ice Machine Indiana for Sale
$16,800 ea. Item No: IN-V-437H3 Location: Indiana - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Indiana, here are (2) 2022 Everest VX4 Bagged Ice and Filtered Water Vending Machines. 
$37,400 For the Lightly USED Ice Vending Machine
$16,800 ea. in Indiana
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more bagged ice vending machines like this here!
(2) 2022 Everest VX4 bagged ice and filtered water vending machines for sale. The Industry's Most Efficient Ice & Water Vending Machine. This produces Ice & Water in Bulk or bagged in seconds.

Seller's Note: The only minor issue I had was the restaurant owner I have mine sitting by complained about too much condensation underneath the machine. This was because they didn't place it over any particular drain and the location was on an angle so the water would sometimes drain out in front of the machine. As you will see in the manual, you need to try and place it over a drain to eliminate any potential wet spots. This is very common with any vending machine with ice.
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All Items are Pickup Only

Prior Equipment Questions...
How much ice do these machines produce and hold?
This produces 10 lbs. of ice every 6 seconds. The capacity is in the specification sheet (several hundreds of lbs. min). The VX4 is the largest of the 3 sizes of ice capacity so you would get the largest capacity that this style of machine offers. I know it only takes 1 hr. from empty to fill the barrel, but it would take several hundred bags of ice purchased all at once to empty it.
Was the machine profitable?
Yes, the machine is a big hit. Everyone needs Ice and Water near campgrounds, gas stations, fishing marinas, and any high traffic areas. The profitability margin is fantastic. The amount you make depends on the location.
What are the issues?
The only minor issue I had was the restaurant owner I have mine sitting by complained about too much condensation underneath the machine. This was because they didn't place it over any particular drain and the location was on an angle so the water would sometimes drain out in front of the machine. As you will see in the manual, you need to try and place it over a drain to eliminate any potential wet spots. This is very common with any vending machine with ice.
What is the reason for selling?
I am only selling becaue my business is moving directions where I will be hiring staff for Real Estate and I need to shift the focus towards those resources. I also have a machine still in the original pkg that has not been used as you will see in this listing.
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