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(2) 2022 TNC Vending Snack and Drink Combos Vending Machine For Sale in Ohio!

2022 Ams Combo Vending Machine Ohio for Sale
$15,120 all Item No: OH-L-909D3 Location: CINCINNATI, Ohio - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Ohio, here are (2) 2022 TNC Vending Snack and Drink Combos Vending Machines. See details for specs. 
$15,120 all in Ohio

Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more ams combo vending machines like this here!
(2) 2022 TNC Vending snack and drink combo vending machine for sale. The TNC machines have 48 Selections and will have 2 credit card readers. The TNC machine speaks to customers in multiple languages. These are currently on location.
2 deluxe-size combo vending machines (all 2 are less than 1 year old)  2 Nayax card readers.

The deluxe combo machines are 700 pounds and 7 feet high. They fit through a 36-inch doorway.
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All Items are Pickup Only

Prior Equipment Questions...
How many years have the machines been in their current location?
14 months
Are these two machines in current locations, under contract?
The 1 year contract expired on June 30, 2023 so I may sell the machines individually if needed. The current location does not have a problem with signing 1 year contracts.
What are the conditions of any agreement with the location they are placed at?
Everyone must give 30 notices to end the contract. My company is in charge of buying and stocking products. $1,000,000 is required in insurance.
How much do these machines make on average per month?
About $800 gross a month total for both machines. The machines accept cards and cash.
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