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(3) 2023 Everest Ice VX4 Bagged Ice and Water Vending Machines For Sale in Utah!

2022 Vx4 Bagged Ice Machine Utah for Sale
$35,840 ea. Item No: UT-V-063U3 Location: Utah - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Utah, here are (3) 2023 Everest Ice Bagged Ice Vending Machines. See details for specs.
$35,840 ea. in Utah
(3) 2022 Everest VX4 Ice and Water vending machines for sale. These units will also come with credit card readers. 

 The Everest VX Series features simple utility hookups and single phase electric. They are built to have low ongoing utility costs and, as a result, require low maintenance. They do not require custom concrete pads, crane rental or a general contractor on-site for installation, as do most of our competition. Furthermore, they are stoutly built with top-shelf and industrial grade components, and the machine and components are NAMA, NSF, ETL and Energy Star listed.

Since the Everest VX Models all have the smallest footprint of any machine in their class and simple install requirements, if you ever want to move your machine, you can do so quickly and easily.

The VX Series of machines do not use expensive and complicated Reverse Osmosis (R/O) that require holding tanks, robust drain systems, costly membrane filters, and waste water in order to make water. We use a Five Stage Filtration System from Everpure, one of the most recognized brands among food service operators. This is the same system that was developed for McDonald’sTM to ensure their soda and coffee taste consistently great all over the world, no matter the water chemistry.
At Everest, we protect your investment. We know that your ice maker is the most expensive component in your machine, so we protect it inside our locked, steel cabinet, where it can be protected from theft, vandalism and from the elements. Other companies leave it exposed on the roof, protected by a thin piece of canvas.
With a variety of features and upgrades designed to ensure your unit is always easy to service, Scotsman Prodigy Plus® technology helps operators save valuable time and resources. Scotsman designed Prodigy Plus® technology with the operator in mind. That’s why every easy-to-use feature we offer helps you get the most out of your unit. From convenient cleaning and a small operational footprint to enhanced energy efficiency, Prodigy Plus® is the smartest solution for today’s ice vending operators. Our machine is delivered in one piece, with the machine’s ice maker protected inside. When your ice maker is hidden under a canopy, that means it is unprotected and will be shipped separately. This is bad engineering and keeps your most valuable asset unprotected. In order to install your ice maker, this will have to happen at the location with a lift and other machines to the ice maker placed. With Everest, you do not have to worry about any of that as your machine comes protected and ready to start making you a profit.
Everest’s new next-generation remote monitoring system, Basecamp, makes owning an Everest Ice and Water vending machine a breeze. Basecamp is a robust, intuitive, reliable, and most importantly user-friendly service that features a multitude of features to help you run your ice and water vending machine. The best part of Basecamp is that as long as you have a reliable internet connection, you can check in on, and operate your machine(s) from anywhere in the world. Only Everest can you live the stress-free passive income lifestyle you’ve always dreamed of.
Everest VX Series Ice And Water Vending Machines
WIDTH 45 in.
DEPTH 55 in.
HEIGHT 96.5 in.
WEIGHT 1600 lbs.
ELECTRICAL REQUIREMENTS 208-230 volt / 30 amp
STORAGE CAPACITY 550 lbs. of ice
WATER VOLUME PER VEND 0.025 gal. – 5 gal. (Adjustable)
REQUIRED HOOKUP ½ in. Water Line, ¾ in. Drainage
In 24 hours, model produces:
1,909 LBS OF ICE
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