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(7) 2015 Healthy You HY900 Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machines For Sale in Texas!

2015 Hy900 Healthy You Vending Combo Texas for Sale
$22,250 all Item No: TX-HV-335U2 Location: New Braunfels, Texas - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Texas, here are (7) 2015 Healthy You HY900 Seaga Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machines..
$22,250 all in Texas
The Seller has documents for the USA e-port. buyer will need to set up an account and transfer to themselves. The seller is willing to consider offers for smaller quantities. Call for details.

7 machines that are working. One additional entrée unit.

3 still in boxes Seaga combo machines and 4 previously placed machines, and an entrée unit. The seller will even throw in the bonus of the K-cup vendors for a serious buyer that wants all machines giving them added value and business lines. They have never been unboxed.
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All Items are Pickup Only

Prior Equipment Questions...
Did the machines give you any issues? If so, what was your experience working with HealthyU to have them service, did they make it difficult, or was it uncomplicated?
Are any of the machines still under warranty?
Why are you selling all seven machines?
We are focusing on other businesses. Need to free upnstorage space.
Do you have questions about this item? Ask Now

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Tracy Smith
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