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1979 - 10' x 6' Waymatic Mini-Donut Concession Trailer!!!

Kitchen Food Trailer Wisconsin for Sale
$15,950 Item No: WI-P-644L Location: Wisconsin
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
This charming, professionally painted trailer was set up in 2012 for selling mini donuts, fruit/tropical drinks & more. It is in very good condition- small enough to be welcome at most events. It is loaded with all the equipment you need, plus supplies.
$15,950 in Wisconsin

Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more kitchen food trailers like this here!
This charming mini-donut and beverage concession trailer features Beautiful professionally painted graphics on three sides of concession trailer and windows, Painted Marquee on top with 100 flashing Red/White chaser lights (It’s a real eye catcher at night.) Additionally, it has three sliding glass windows with two large serving windows & main serving window set-up with an electric air-curtain (you can serve from three sides of concession trailer and all sliding glass windows have locks & keys).
Six head Pepsi product fountain drink dispenser (Bag-in-a-box) setup with all hoses, pumps and has in counter stainless steel ice box with cover,
Large Kenmore floor chest freezer (approx 35” long x 23” wide x 37” high),
Three stainless steel utility sinks in front with hot water heater and one sink in back for hand washing station,
Twenty gallon grey water tank, 30 Amp electrical circuit breaker box,
Painted Marquee on top with 100 flashing Red/White chaser lights (It’s a real eye catcher at night),
Included is a  LARGE inventory (Approx 7,200 pieces)  of 16, & 32 Oz hot & cold cups, tops , straws, etc,
Lil Orbits Equipment / Features:
Lil-Orbits SS1200 Automatic mini-donut machine, including 50 lbs of mini-donut mix, min-donut bags, donut mix scale, clean up tank, display warmer for donuts with dual heat lights, tray and wire rack, donut utensils, new donut oil filter, and many more donut related items, Lil-Orbits SS1200 owners manual and complete DVD showing Mini-donut machine set up, batter mixing instructions and complete donut operation along with compete manual on concession stand operation along with all equipment manuals, etc.
Karma Model 456 Three flavor lighted cappuccino dispenser includes set up manual, etc (Great for coffee, hot chocolate, cappuccino & Tea drinks (Has water inlet for continuous hot or cold drinks or can be used without water line),
Samsung ER-350 programmable cash register with LED customer display and with five new spare printer ribbons and complete set-up operations manual, plus ALL register keys to include master and ALL programming keys.
New Rubber floor mats for interior,
extra bulbs and spare red/white lens for marquee chaser light system,
Two heavy duty waring commercial drink/beverage mixers,
Pitchers, mixing canisters, stirrers and utensils for making blended fruit drinks,
150 feet of food grade commercial water hose,
100 Feet of 30 amp electrical cable,
Interior lighting & circuit breakers,
On board portable fire extinguisher,
Extra/spare counter color matched  4' x 8' sheet formica counter top material if current counter top should ever become damaged,
Concession trailer wheel & bottom skirting, hitch, 4 stabilizer jacks, and much, much more.

Equipment List

  • Plumbing

  • Hand-washing Sink
  • Triple Sink
  • Fresh Water Tank
  • Gray Water Tank
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