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1997 Chevy P30 Bakery Truck for Sale in California!!!

1997 Chevy P30 Bakery Food Truck California Gas Engine for Sale
$10,300 Item No: CA-T-938Q Location: California
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For sale in California, this is a Chevy truck that was used for baked goods, Perfect for food service conversion or for other mobile businesses. Very good condition! see details.
$10,300 in California

Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more bakery food trucks like this here!
Used Chevy truck for sale in California, good for food truck conversion, mobile business, or delivery.

Equipment List

  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Gas Engine
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Prior Equipment Questions...
wanted more details on this truck. What is the length, Mileage and other general info.
109,000 miles
Good condition
Clean interior
Custom mirrors
Runs good
Paint in good condition
Missing marker lights
Newly upholstered driver seat
Custom billet steering wheel
Needs two front tires
Needs front door lock re-keyed
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