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2 Royal Vendor 660 Soda and 2 Crane National 147/167 Snack Vending Machines For Sale in New York!

Rvcc660/model 167/model 147 Crane National Combo Machine New York for Sale
$6,500 all Item No: NY-L-464Q3 Location: Brooklyn, New York - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in New York, here are 2 Royal Vendor 660 Soda and 2 Crane National 147/167 Snack Vending Machines. See details for specs. 
$6,500 all in New York
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more crane national combo machines like this here!
2 Royal Vendor 660 Soda and 2 Crane National 147/167 snack vending machines for sale. 

Royal vendors soda vending RVCC 660 Machine has 8 selections. Takes all plastic up to 20 oz. Adjustable for cans and bottles with dollar bill identifier. Designed with the Coke Cola wrap. Everything works.
National 147 Snack Machine has dual helixes in order to aid in vending snack items correctly. The National 147 Snack Machine also has scrolling prices. With 40 selections of snacks and 20 chip-pastry selections and 20 candy-crackers selections, the National 147 Snack machine has the selections and capacity a large location demands.
National 167 Snack Machine sells snacks and candy on the same shelf. Motors couple easily & dividers slide out to convert to either candy or snack.
Trays tilt forward 45 degrees making it easy to reach even the upper shelves. 
Just dial up the correct price. 

* Capacities: Standard
* Candy: 336 items
* Snack: 189 items
* Pastry: 53 items 

* Capacities: Maximum
* Candy: 1800 items (6 shelves)
* Snack/Pastry: 450 items (6 shelves)
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