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2 Seaga Healthy You HY2100 Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machines For Sale in Texas!

Healthy You Vending Combo Texas for Sale
$3,999 ea. Item No: TX-HV-449T3 Location: Garland, Texas - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Texas, here are 2 Seaga Healthy You HY2100 Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machines. See details for specs. 
$3,999 ea. in Texas
2 *BRAND NEW* Seaga Healthy You HY2100 snack and drink combo vending machines for sale. It has 30 Selections. 
The Seaga HY2100-9 Healthy Combo Vending Machine contains the Healthy You graphics.

This machine is packed with cool features.

It comes with the healthy vending wrap on all three sides of the machine which makes the machine stand out.

The machine includes the USA Technologies credit card reader which when activated has the potential to double your sales without doing any extra work.

No wires are needed as it’s totally wireless.

Further, it provides a sales log which can be accessed remotely to see your daily, weekly or monthly reports.

This makes tracking product sales very simple and reliable.

This healthy vending machine will improve productivity as it eliminates the need for employees to run out to local convenience stores for lunch or break time.

The healthy combo machine contains a Dollar Bill Validator which accepts $1 & $5 bills. The coin changer will accept nickels, dimes, quarters and returns change in coins. The credit card reader is made by USA Technologies and will accept all major credit and debit cards.

The HY2100-9 Healthy Vending Machines are manufactured by Seaga Manufacturing out of Illinois, and we sell all the necessary parts that you may need. Included with the purchase is the owner’s manual, and one set of keys

Carrying Capacity:

Snack Unit: 21 snack selections; 210 snack capacity (chips, candy bars, etc.)
Drink Unit: 9 drink selections; Approx 124 drink capacity (12 oz. cans, juices, 20 oz. bottles, Red Bull, etc.)


Height: 72”
Width: 36"
Deep: 30”
Weight: 590 lbs.
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