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2001 - Cushman Truckster Mini Food Truck!!!

2001 2001 Cushman Truckster All-purpose Food Truck Oregon for Sale
$9,775 Item No: OR-T-342N Location: Oregon
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
This 2001 Cushman Truckster is a street legal food truck. It is used mainly for pre-cooked items or seperate BBQ. Has 24,646 miles on its engine. Optional generator. See details for features & equipment list.
$9,775 in Oregon

Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more all-purpose food trucks like this here!
This Cushman concession unit is a street legal mobile food truck. 50 mpg and street legal. It can go on roads, paths, parking lots and golf courses. Also great for events and tail-gating. Setup for propane and electric. Has 3 gallon propane tank connected to warming bin and griddle area. OPTIONAL New Honda EU3000is Generator provides 3000 ac watts as well as 12volt output for up to 7 hours on 1 tank(runs super quiet with low emissions) . Truckster is very versatile and easy to transport. Also has trailer hitch(2" sleeve) for towing or accessory attachments. Less than 25,000 miles on unit.

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