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2002 Workhorse P42 Step Van Truck for Mobile Business for Sale in California!

2002 P42 Stepvan California Gas Engine for Sale
$9,198 Item No: CA-SV-857Q3 Location: California - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Looking for the perfect unit to put up your business? Then acquire this ready-to-convert 2002 Workhorse P42 step van, ideal for food truck operations, mobile boutiques, camper conversions, mobile stores, and more. Find out how you can take home this unit by calling us today!
$9,198 in California
This unit features a powerful V8 gasoline engine, an automatic transmission, and 225/70R19. Both the front and rear of the vehicle are equipped with 5 tires. It boasts a spring suspension, a 180-inch wheelbase, and a body measuring 18 feet long, 92 inches wide, and 118 inches high.

Seller notes: It has approximately 166,000 miles. The vehicle is currently in storage. To the best of my knowledge, before going into storage, it was regularly maintained.


  • Length: 18'
  • Odometer Mileage: 166,000 miles

Equipment List

  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Gas Engine: V8
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Prior Equipment Questions...
Is the vehicle has regular maintenance?
The vehicle is currently in storage. To the best of my knowledge before going into storage It was regularly maintained.
How many miles does the truck have?
It has approximately 166,000 miles
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