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2003 Ford E-450 Step Van Ice Cream Truck | Mobile Dessert Truck for Sale in Oregon!

2003 E-450 Ice Cream Truck Oregon Diesel Engine for Sale
$33,000 Item No: OR-T-381E3 Location: Oregon - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Provide a wave of excitement by opening your own dessert shop in this 2003 Ford E-450 ice cream truck. Be sure not to let this incredible opportunity slip away, dial our number now and drive this home today!
$33,000 in Oregon
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more ice cream trucks like this here!
This truck has a 2018 kitchen build-out. Also, all original passenger seats go with the vehicle, and all are in good condition.
This vehicle is designed to either drive neighborhoods playing various ice cream truck music tunes through external speakers from a thumb drive plugged into a separate stereo unit, or it can park and sit at local events and vend for long periods of time, without being plugged into power or running the engine!
The freezer system inside this rig utilizes an electric battery bank to power three freezers and a small refrigerator all day using four commercial, deep-cycle batteries. The electrical system was designed and installed by a professional company.

Seller's Note: The engine was fully rebuilt in 2019 and has not been used since. 

*Normal wear and tear over the years, but no major damage. Very small dent on the front fender. Not generally noticeable.


  • Truck Specifications

  • VEHICLE Year of Manufacture: 2003
  • Manufacturer: Ford
  • Model: E-450
  • How many Miles on the body?: 230,794 miles
  • How many Miles on the engine?: 100 miles
  • What Year was Kitchen Installed: 2018
  • Kitchen equipment runs on: ELECTRICITY

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning: Front and rear
  • Concession Window(s): One, approx. 33" x 35"
  • Refrigeration

  • Deep Freezer: Kenmore (3 freezers), 8.8 cu. ft.
  • Refrigerator: Kenmore 3.1 cu. ft.
  • Electrical

  • Interior Lighting: LED rope light circles the interior at the ceiling
  • Electrical Outlets: 5, inside
  • Breaker Panel: No actual breaker panel but has 5, 2500 watt inverters
  • Retail Equipment

  • Sound System: Inside stereo, 4 speakers. Additional stereo, 2 outside speakers
  • Other Equipment

  • Electrical Outlets: 5, interior. All run off of battery bank with inverters
  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Diesel Engine
  • Exterior Work Lights: Two yellow flashing caution lights on both front and rear.
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