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2010 Ford Econoline Shuttle Bus | Used Transportation Vehicle for Sale in Ohio!

2010 Shuttle Bus Shuttle Bus Ohio Gas Engine for Sale
$17,248 Item No: OH-PM-008B3 Location: Ohio - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Looking for a private transport vehicle for your weekend gateway? Here's a 2010 Ford Econoline shuttle bus. It can hold 10 passengers including the driver. Ask us how you can take home this unit!
*Mechanical inspection required. No transport; pick up only on this item.


Was:  $21,840
You Save:  $4,592 (21% off)
Price Now:  $17,248


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This bus has been driven for 133,138 miles. Seats are suitable for travel, it is very well taken care of.

Bumper to bumper 23'6"
Inside L 14'6" x W 7'1" x H 5'11"
Engine V8-350 5.7 14 MPG on average


  • Odometer Mileage: miles

Equipment List

  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Gas Engine
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14 mi/gl
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