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2013 - 12' Ford E-350 Super Duty Shuttle Bus | Passenger Bus for Sale in Wisconsin!

2013 E-350 Shuttle Bus Shuttle Bus Wisconsin Gas Engine for Sale
$16,800 Item No: WI-PM-666I3 Location: Wisconsin - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
If you're looking for a unit for your transportation business or convert to an RV or food truck, this bus will do the job! Make it yours today!
$16,800 in Wisconsin
This bus has been gutted inside. Dial our number to know more!

Seller notes: One of the back door windows is broken on the passenger side. You can see in the first picture that one window is intact and looks black while the other is covered with a white covering.  This vehicle has not had a lot of miles put on it recently, so the tires look good, and the treads are still nice and deep. I uploaded a picture of the tires with a penny, which seemed the easiest way to show the condition.


  • Full Passenger Capacity: 1
  • Seats # Comfortably: 1
  • Gross Vehicle Weight: 11500
  • Number of Rear Axles: Single
  • Length: 12'
  • Odometer Mileage: 33,185 miles

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning
  • Backup Camera
  • Electrical

  • Interior Lighting
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Gas Engine: Yes
  • Back-up Alarm: Yes
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Prior Equipment Questions...
What’s the gas mpg?
It looks like the average for this vehicle is 13 MPG, and that seems accurate after driving it.
What’s the tire condition?
This vehicle has not had a lot of miles put on it recently so the tires look good, the treads are still nice and deep. I have uploaded a picture of the tires with a penny as that seemed like the easiest way to show the condition.
Which window is broken, and what is broken?
One of the back door windows is broken on the passenger side. You can see on the first picture that one window is intact and looks black while the other is covered with a white covering.
Do you have questions about this item? Ask Now

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