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2013 Supreme Groom Van Wagn’tails Mercedes Sprinter 350 Van Turnkey Mobile Dog Grooming Truck for Sale in Florida!

2013 Sprinter350 Pet Care / Veterinary Truck Florida Diesel Engine for Sale
$39,600 Item No: FL-MB-593Q3 Location: Florida - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Ready to take your grooming business on the go? Don’t miss out on this fantastic opportunity to own a top-notch, used mobile dog grooming van! Outfitted by Wag'n Tails, this Mercedes Sprinter includes a built-in bath station, professional grooming table, and storage for all your essentials. See details for more features, and call today.


Was:  $41,250
You Save:  $1,650 (4% off)
Price Now:  $39,600

Unit has solar power with inverter batteries. Generator is rebuilt. Has new AC. New tires add at the end of 2023. 
Enough space for 2 to work. Runs good. Few bumps and dents outside but a real work horse! Seller will have inside detailed for new owner!

* Just replaced AC compressor and parts for front AC system; seller has receipts for work done 
* Seller is willing to include their client bookings (2 major metropolitan FL counties) through the end of the 2024 year
* Only selling due to retirement
* Radio in rear work area 
* New interior lights
* New spray nozzles in tub

About the decals:

Buyer can use the decals if they choose. Being in the Florida sun has taken its toll on the decals, but for now they should be usable. The hood decal is probably not usable as Hurricane Ian pretty much destroyed it and took some of the paint right down to bare metal. But it should be a minor fix. Just take the hood off and go have it done or clean it and spray paint it.


  • VEHICLE Year of Manufacture: 2013
  • Manufacturer: Mercedes
  • Model: Sprinter350
  • If unit has an engine, how many Miles on the engine?: 155,706 miles

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning: New
  • Cabinets
  • Equipment Power Supply

  • Generator: Cummins Onan Quiet Diesel
  • Solar Panels: with inverter batteries
  • Shore Power Cord
  • Electrical

  • Interior Lighting
  • Electrical Outlets
  • Breaker Panel
  • Plumbing

  • Hot Water Heater
  • Fresh Water Tank
  • Gray Water Tank
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Diesel Engine
  • Additional Equipment

  • Vaccum system
  • Grooming table
  • Bathing station
  • Misc grooming tools /supplies
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Prior Equipment Questions...
What motor does the van have in it?
Vin decider says it's MG5+MH1engine 3.0 liter V6 diesel
Are there any mechanical issues with Wagn'tail's equipment or the vehicle itself?
No, the vehicle itself is in good running condition. All on the business end is working and in good shape. I am having a new AC installed as soon as it comes in, as it is under warranty.
Is the unit still in use?
Took it off the route when I thought it was sold. Customers won't stand for on again, off again appointments so it is not being used at this point
Is this a full conversion to solar panels? How else can it run?
Yes, it has solar panels as well as a generator.
What is the mileage?
Do you have questions about this item? Ask Now

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