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2015 Forno Bravo Casa 2G80 Wood-Fired Brick Oven Pizza Concession Trailer for Sale in Utah!!

2015 Casa 2g80 Wood-fired Brick Oven Pizza Concession Trailer Pizza Trailer Utah for Sale
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Serve wood-fired joy by the slice with this 2015 Forno Bravo Casa 2G80 pizza concession trailer! This unit was never used commercially and was only used at the seller's home a few times for test runs! Check out more of its features below.
$7,474 in Utah
This oven was made with the intent to do local concessions events but never happened. The trailer has a new axle and tires to support the weight of the oven. Base of the oven was made from a kit and then finished with tile and was only used a couple of times. The oven will come with some accessories (brush, pizza peel, gloves, laser thermometer) and metal sheets and hinges to finish the trailer (the plan was to add doors at the back to transport wood, accessories, etc.). The oven features a 31.5” diameter cooking surface that can do 3-4 6" pizzas at a time.


  • Trailer Specifications

  • VEHICLE Year of Manufacture: 2015
  • Kitchen Equipment Runs On: ELECTRICITY

Equipment List

  • Cooking Equipment

  • Pizza Oven: Forno Bravo Casa 2G80
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