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2015- OranFresh Freshly Squeezed Juice Vending Machines for Sale in California!

2015 Fresh Vending Combo Machines California for Sale
$5,100 ea. Item No: CA-HV-686F2 Location: Los Angeles, California - Pickup Only for this item
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For sale in California- here are (8) 2015 fully electronic vending machines that make fresh squeezed orange juice. It’s simple, just fill it up with orange and it’s automatically squeezes a cup of orange juice. The machine comes in two sizes as big as a household refrigerator, capability to squeeze 80 cups of 12oz orange juice with one filling. See details!
$7,600 for larger machine. 
Price below for smaller machine. 
$5,100 ea. in California

Machine Minimums / Shipping Limitations
Machines has a fridge inside to keep the oranges cold and an automatic cleaning system. Call for lots more specs. 
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Tracy Smith
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