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2016 Ford F-550 Shuttle Bus with Wheelchair Lift | Transportation Vehicle for Sale in Florida!

2016 F-550 Shuttle Bus Shuttle Bus Florida Gas Engine for Sale
$21,896 Item No: FL-PM-223B3 Location: Florida - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
This 2016, 16-passenger Ford F-550 shuttle bus will be a good unit for transportation services like- medical, excursions, field trips, beaches, movies, shuttle, and more. More details will be given when you contact us today!
$21,896 in Florida

See this equipment on video...

It was driven for 179k miles. This unit has camera interior protection, a handicapped lift ramp, back access, and accommodation for 2 disabled wheelchairs. The A/C works perfectly and has a leather interior seat with seatbelts.


  • Odometer Mileage: 179,000 miles

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Gas Engine
Interested to know how buying on UsedVending works? Visit our FAQ page.

Prior Equipment Questions...
Is the wheelchair lift working properly?
Does the transmission shift properly?
Yes, vehicle in great working condition. I have a video of the vehicle running
Are there any leaks?
Are there any lights on the dash?
None, vehicle is in great working condition, not a single mechanical fault whatsoever.
Are there any known mechanical problems?
Has the vehicle been serviced regularly?
What condition are the tires and brakes?
Brakes excellent, tires fair (need changing soon)
Do you have questions about this item? Ask Now

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