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2017 Electronic Protein Shake Vending Machines w/ Credit Card Readers for Sale in Delaware!!!

2017 Novarro Pmw3 Other Healthy Vending Machine Delaware for Sale
$1,500 all Item No: DE-HV-095I2 Location: Newark, Delaware - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For sale in Delaware- here are (2) 2017 Protein Shake Vending Machines by Azkoyen. Great condition; vends fresh 12 oz. protein shakes that are perfect for gyms, shopping centers, campuses, and more. Will have been professionally serviced at time of sale! See details for specs.
$1,500 all in Delaware

See this equipment on video...

This vending machines dispenses a fresh 12 oz protein shake mixed with filtered water and whey protein powder in under 60 seconds. The machine is equipped with credit card reader, self cleans after each shake, and has a 15" screen that displays nutritional information. Nayax Amit 3.0 that accepts phone payments as well as credit/debit.

The cups are inside machine and will drop down when a selection is made.
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All Items are Pickup Only

Prior Equipment Questions...
Did you have any issues with this machine?
These machines have been very reliable. The only issues I've had were with the cup drop. From time to time the cups would stick together and wouldn't drop down. The simple fix was opening the machine and shuffling the cups. The only real repair I've done has been replacing the swing arm for the cup drop. It was a couple bolts and I did it myself in about 10 minutes.
Why are you selling?
They have kicked out all of their vendors, coffee service, etc. due to the pandemic. I don't have time to find another location for them with my current job.
What card reader does it have?
Nayax Amit 3.0 that accepts phone payments as well as credit/debit.
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Tracy Smith
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