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2022 Everest Ice VX3 Bagged Ice and Filtered Water Vending Machine For Sale in Texas!

2022 Vx# Bagged Ice Machine Texas for Sale
$25,760 Item No: TX-V-901Y2 Location: Texas - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Texas, here is a 2022 Everest Ice and Filtered Water Vending Machine. See details for specs.
$25,760 in Texas
2022 Everest Ice, bagged ice, and filtered water vending machine for sale. This unit comes with an e-port credit card reader. All Maintenance has been completed. 

Custom Ice and Water Features
1. Scotsman Prodigy Plus refrigeration (1553 lbs/day)
2. Everpure Water Filtration System
3. CPI Bill Acceptor
4. CPI Coin Mechanism
5. Cantaloupe G10 Credit Card Reader
6. Standard Graphic Package
7. Cold Fusion Energy Recovery Package
8. Ice Shield Ozone Sanitation System
9. All season insulation and internal 220v outlet
10. All new filters installed.
Additional Features
1. Two bollards
2. Banner
3. Extra Filter, bags, cleaner, paint
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Prior Equipment Questions...
Why are you selling your machine?
I have 15 snack and soda machines to manage and I want to concentrate on snack and soda machines.
Any issues with it?
There are no issues with the machine. I did have to do a warranty replacement of the bill collector in May. No other issues since.
How long have you had your machine?
The machine was delivered from the manufacturer on April 2, 2022 and it was completely installed and operational on April 5, 2022.
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Tracy Smith
Tracy Smith
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