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2022 Seaga SM23 Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machine For Sale in Mississippi!

2022 Sm2300 Seaga Vending Combo Mississippi for Sale
$3,000 Item No: MS-L-021U3 Location: Meridian, Mississippi - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Mississippi, here is a 2022 Seaga SM23 Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machine. See details for specs.
$3,000 in Mississippi
2022 Seaga SM2300 snack and drink combo vending machine for sale. It has 23 selections and is capable of holding 253 items total with 23 numbered selections to choose from. It can hold up to 85 beverages in the refrigerated section (45 cans and 40 bottles), 112 candy-sized items, and 56 snack-sized items in the larger rows. Stock this combo vending machine with your favorite drinks, snacks, and candies. The seller states that this has been a great vending machine, and comes with everything you need to get started, including coin and bill collectors, (1 year old) tap-capable (plus Apple & Google Pay) credit card reader, and new drink augers and spacers.

It is currently configured for slim energy drinks, 8oz soft drinks, and full sized energy drinks. Made in America, and parts ship from within the US as well.

The Seaga Sm2300 features an anti-theft design and guaranteed delivery system that dispenses products with accuracy, ensuring reliable sales without the worry of theft or loss. The machine includes a customer-friendly display and easy touch keypad for simple product selection. The interior LED lighting provide excellent product visibility.

Overall Dimensions:
Width: 30"
Depth: 29"
Height: 69 1/2"

Seaga SM2300 Specs

Shipping Weight
488 lb.

253 Products

85 Beverages

Maximum Number of Selections
23 SelectionsIt is currently configured for slim energy drinks, 8oz soft drinks, and full sized energy drinks. Made in America, and parts ship from within the US as well.
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