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2023 Everest Ice VX3 Bagged Ice and Filtered Water Vending Machine For Sale in Florida!

2023 Vx-3 Bagged Ice Machine Florida for Sale
$33,000 Item No: FL-V-229F3 Location: Florida - Pickup Only for this item
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For Sale in Florida, here is a 2023 Everest Ice VX3 Bagged Ice and Filtered Water Vending Machine. See details for specs.
Reasonable Offers Welcome
$33,000 in Florida
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more bagged ice vending machines like this here!

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2023 Everest Ice VX-3 bagged ice and filtered water vending machine for sale. A well taken care of 2023 Everest Ice and Water Vending Machine Model VX-3 with all the upgrades that Everest has to offer.

1,550 lbs of ice per day - 10 lbs per Ice vend -

Bulk Vend into cooler or bag yourself

 1 Gallon Per Water Vend

All Filters were changed 6-19-23

Was delivered and put into production in January 2023

~ Please scroll through photos for the breakdown of all the upgrades~
Everest Ice and Water Vending Machine Model VX-3 with all the upgrades that Everest has to offer. The machine was delivered and put into production in January 2023. The machine has had no problems and has run smoothly since we turned it on. VX-3 Model produces 1,550 lbs of ice a day. Vends 10 lbs. Ice bag yourself or bulk vend right into a cooler Vends 1-5 gallons of water. You can remotely turn the machine on and off using your phone or laptop using a platform called Basecamp that you will have access to once you purchase the machine. Scotsman Ice Maker (not the Everest machine) has a 5 year warranty, and the Credit Card equipment may have a 3 year warranty if applicable at time of sale. 
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All Items are Pickup Only

Prior Equipment Questions...
Why are you selling the machine?
Please do not let my experience or opinion change your decision in making a purchase; These machines will do great in a high foot traffic area. I feel I secluded myself a little to much being in an area with no road frontage or in front of a store with high foot traffic. More details on the profits of the machines are on file with and can be obtained thru your sales rep.
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