Why is this truck for sell after only 6 moths of ownership?
We have a Brick and Mortar location and a website, we didn’t like that the truck took my wife away from her store on a regular basis
Has this vehicle been checked out by a mechanic?
Yes, it has been thoroughly checked because my wife was the person operating it so I wanted to be sure it was reliable
It says portable A/C, what does that mean? Does the engine need to be on for the air conditioning to work/ or the lights?
It’s a small air conditioning unit on wheels that plugs into the van and operates while the generator is working
Is this entire business for sale?
The name is an LLC that is currently a brick and mortar store in business, so the wrap on the van will need changed but it is a turnkey business with the addition of your own name.
Is this truck still available?
Yes, it is still available (Oct 29, 2018)
Do you use a generator and if so, is it included in the price?
Yes we used a 4500w generator & we can include it for you. That would make the truck 100% turnkey, all you’d need is product.
How many pieces can this truck hold approx?
The truck can comfortably fit 600-650 pieces of clothing. That’s using the thicker wooden hangers. If you were to use a thinner hanger you could push somewhere around the 750 mark.
Is this still available?
Yes, it is still available (Sep 12, 2018)