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38' International Thomas Vista 3600 Skoolie Bus / Mobile Home Unit for Sale in Florida!

1997 Skoolie Florida Diesel Engine for Sale
$45,100 Item No: FL-PM-759D3 Location: Florida - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Experience a new vibe of adventure on the road with this recently converted 1997 International Thomas Vista 3600 skoolie home bus. Give us a call now to know more about this beauty!
$45,100 in Florida

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This unit is outfitted with a 50-amp electrical system with an inverter hooked up for AC/DC power, it functions like a more traditional home but with the excitement of a traveling vardo! The bus is equipped with two 40-gallon fresh water tanks, one 60-gallon grey water tank in the back for the shower, and one 25-gallon grey tank for the kitchen sink. The bus also features a drainage line for the holding tanks that have functioning gate valves and make more traditional living or camping that much easier.

The roof has been coated with a liquid rubber waterproof sealant. Still sporting most of the original windows (all in working order). Electrical components have been professionally inspected. Seller did the tile work, barn doors, painting and cabinets. 

The engine has 29,726 miles on it and the vehicle has a cruise control feature.


  • Full Passenger Capacity: 6
  • How many passengers does it seat: 6
  • Seats # Comfortably: 6
  • Length: 38’
  • MPG City: Riverview
  • Odometer Mileage: 29,726 miles
  • Original Engine: Yes

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning: Dometic
  • Cabinets
  • Floor Drains: In bathroom
  • Bathroom
  • Equipment Power Supply

  • Shore Power Cord
  • Electrical

  • Interior Lighting
  • Electrical Outlets
  • Breaker Panel
  • Plumbing

  • Hot Water Heater
  • Hand-washing Sink
  • Fresh Water Tank
  • Gray Water Tank
  • Toilet
  • Shower
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic: Allison
  • Diesel Engine: T444e engine
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Prior Equipment Questions...
What size bed is in the Skoolie?
Queen size in the back and twin in the bunk beds
Is there any rust on this bus?
None that they've noticed. Will get some undercarriage photos to provide.
What is the head room inside?
6 feet clearance inside
Does it have cruise control?
Not sure but will find out.
Do they have the maintenance records?
Have maintenance records and can be provided at time of inspection if desired
What are the interior dimensions, especially height/head room?
6’ clearance inside. 38’ long and roughly 224 sq feet inside.
What is the MPG on it?
Depending upon load and speed it will get 12-14 MPG
What is the condition of this bus?
Great condition. Recently completed the conversion, never lived in.
What kind of engine?
T444e, automatic, diesel
Are there any issues with the bus? Is anything not working?
No, I recently had the bus serviced and spent $6,000 for a new fuel pump and injectors and had the air brakes serviced, also, has new batteries.
Why are you selling?
We were going to rent it as an Airbnb, but need to put a well and electricity on our property first and running out of funds
Who did the build out?
I bought it partially built out. The waterlines and electrical were already in place and have the receipts for that. However, I did pay an electrician to come in and check everything. I did the cabinets, barn doors, tiling, and painting.
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