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Automated Merchandising Systems AMS 35 Sensit 3 Snack Vending Machine For Sale in Ohio!

Ams Snack Machine Ohio for Sale
$4,000 Item No: OH-SN-871T3 Location: Sheffield Lake, Ohio - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Ohio, here is a AMS 35 Sensit 3 Snack Vending Machine. See details for specs. 
$4,000 in Ohio
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more ams snack machines like this here!
AMS 35 Sensit 3 Snack Vending Machine for sale with 32 selections and 4 extra for gum and mints. 

AMS 35 Sensit 3 Snack Vending Machine
- This machine is in excellent working condition
- Drop sensor technology with Sensit® guaranteed product delivery system
- MDB ready to run a credit card reader plug & play
-DEX Compatible
- LED lighted customer display
- ValueVend pricing can discount purchases with multiple products
- 16 selections of wide snacks, 16 slim selections of candy products
- State-of-the-art electronics
- Easy touch customer keypad
- Individual selection pricing from $0 to $99.95
- EnergySensit® device saves energy & money
- Added polyurethane foam for quiet operation
- ADA ready, NAMA certified, ETL certified
- Dimensions: 72"H x 34"W x 35"D
- Weight: 600 lb.
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