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Business In A Building - 2023 Everest VX3 Bagged Ice / Water & 2023 AMS39 Combo For Sale in Montana!

2023 Vx 3 Bagged Ice Machine Montana for Sale
$86,900 all Item No: MT-V-805P3 Location: Montana - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Montana, here are 2023 Everest VX3 Ice Bagged Ice and Filtered Water and a 2023 AMS 39 Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machine. They have been built into a custom steel building on skids- this is a business in a building package! See details for specs.
$86,900 all in Montana
2023 Everest VX3 ice bagged ice and filtered water and a 2023 AMS 39. drink/snack combo machine with 20 snack positions and 21 drink positions (41 total)
 Business in a building package. Both of these units are new, never used. They have been built into a custom steel building on skids that gives you rear access for maintenance, external dock power that can utilize a standard 50a plug, and external water intake that can take a standard hose fitting. Simply place, plug the building in, and turn it on.

The building itself is overbuilt on oilfield pipe framing with a spray foam interior. There is a standard electrical panel on the interior that allows you to have separate circuits for the machines and plugs inside the building. It is built to be able to accommodate an electric heater on the interior if you want it to run in cold weather and not expose the machines to cold. The building shields all of the valuable portions of your machinery, keeping it away from vandals/thieves and out of the weather.

The vending machine is on a roller rail system, allowing it to roll back out of the wall to access the front for loading/unloading without any heavy lifting at all. This building is all steel, and extremely overbuilt to last a lifetime. Both the vending and ice machines have Nyax systems installed that have not been activated and can be transferred to your account. Truly is a plug-in and operate setup. Plus, this thing looks sharp and alleviates any concern from potential site lessors about appearance. 

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