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Chevrolet Canteen Style Food Truck/Mobile Kitchen Unit in Great Condition for Sale in Pennsylvania!

1991 Chevrolet Avalanche Lunch Serving Food Truck Pennsylvania for Sale
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Check out this 1991 Chevrolet Canteen Style Food Truck. It comes with a newly tuned up V8 Engine and everything is in great condition! Call us now to know more.
$27,500 in Pennsylvania
This truck runs very smoothly on an automatic transmission. It has driven 155,000 miles.

Equipment List

  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
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Prior Equipment Questions...
Is there a steam well on the truck?
Yes, there is
Does the refrigerated section require ice to keep cold items cool?
Yes, it does
What are the miles as of today? body miles?
155,000 miles
Do you have questions about this item? Ask Now

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