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Chevy S10 w/70/30 Hot Shot Catering Box!!!

2003 Chev S10 All-purpose Food Truck North Carolina for Sale
$12,650 Item No: NC-T-940L Location: North Carolina
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This Chevy S10 catering/vending Truck has a Hot Shot Box- it's used for transporting foods for events or to work sites. It is like new condition, with 94k miles on its gas engine and automatic transmission. See details for more info.

$12,650 in North Carolina

Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more all-purpose food trucks like this here!
This Chevy catering truck with Hot Shot box features Power steering, automatic transmission, am/fm radio. Insulted Doors,and Reinforced Hinges. Fully maintenanced with records. Heavy duty shocks, new fuel pump and tires. Like new, but has a few hairline cracks in the shell.
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