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Clean and Appealing - Chuckwagon Soda Dispenser Trailer For Sale in Pennsylvania!

Chuck Wagon Beverage - Coffee Trailer Pennsylvania for Sale
$13,685 Item No: PA-P-472P3 Location: Pennsylvania - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Bring a touch of nostalgia and charm to any festival with this chuckwagon soda dispenser. This eye catching wagon is a magnet for thirsty festival goers, and its easy setup and low maintenance ensure you can serve drinks with ease. Want to be the highlight of the event? Contact us today and start pouring happiness!
$13,685 in Pennsylvania
The wagon comes with 6 5 gallon boxed syrup flavors. Each box produces approximately 200 32oz cups. With the wagon you will also receive 1 case of 32oz tins. Just hook up water, CO2, 110 electric, and start selling.

Seller note: The weight is 600 lbs. We can fully support the wagons with syrup and cups for you.

Equipment List

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  • Barrel taps
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