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Complete Turnkey Ford Transit Connect Mosquito Control Truck for Sale in Illinois!

Transit Connect Mosquito Control Truck Other Mobile Business Illinois for Sale
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Here is a great opportunity to own a great-performing business! Up for sale is this turnkey Ford Transit Connect mosquito control truck! The business was established in 2016 and it is a great lifestyle business that can be operated as an owner-operator, passively, or can go all out and expand in a mega business! Find out more by calling us today!
$44,000 in Illinois
Why should you be interested in this business compared to a mosquito franchise business?

Seller's description:
  1. No franchise fee that you have to pay every time you do a job.
  2. You have no territory boundaries like a franchise, go wherever you want.
  3. 1 Franchise with one territory, the startup will cost you approx. $80,000 ( $35,000 fee plus truck, plus equipment, plus location for the business, no clients. (This sale includes truck and equipment ready to go plus paying clients)
  4. Will train you and work with you and show you how to expand the business if you want it bigger.
  5. The business has a website with testimonials, tons of marketing materials to use to expand the business.
  6. The business use a software program to track and monitor every job, take payments, print billing and manage all communications between technicians, dispatchers, and clients (This is oh so nice to be able to set up the jobs and it plans what you have to do).
  7. Work the hours you want.
  8. Work from home, no overhead and write off a portion of your home for taxes.
  9. If you just want to manage, just hire someone and let them do the work and you just manage.


  • Manufacturer: Ford
  • Model: Transit Connect Mosquito Control Truck
  • If unit has an engine, how many Miles on the engine?: 53,755 miles
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