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Crane National Vendors 167 Glass Front Snack and Candy Vending Machine For Sale in New York!

Crane National Snack Machine New York for Sale
$2,500 Item No: NY-SN-020L3 Location: New York, New York - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in New York, here is a Crane National Vendors 167 Glass Front Snack Vending Machine. See details for specs. 
$2,500 in New York
Crane National Vendors 167 snack vending machine for sale. The seller states that the m
machine is fully functional and in excellent cosmetic condition. It has 42 selections and is very

Upgrades: - MDB Card Reader (Yes, this includes a credit card
reader) - LED lighting (this includes upgraded beautiful 6000k
LED - Bill Reader/Validator (Includes bill validator - accepting
$5, $10 and $20) - Machine is fully painted and the front has a
unique blue sticker installed - Clean and ready to go
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