$10,005 Item No: FL-P-544T3
Location: Florida - Pickup or have it transported!
Bring smiles to every event with this shaved ice trailer. Easy to tow, easy to operate, and sure to attract customers. Perfect for events, beaches, and bustling streets. Give us a call now for more details!
$10,005 in Florida
This trailer is barely used and in good condition. Designed with versatility in mind, making it suitable for a wide range of purposes to fit your specific needs. Inspection ready.
- Box Length: 12'
- Width: 7'
Equipment List
- Air Conditioning: Portable
- Concession Window(s)
- Insulated Walls: 1" insulation board
- Diamond Plated Aluminum Flooring
- Exterior Customer Counter
- Deep Freezer
- Prep Station Cooler
- Ice Shaver: Southern snow
- Fire Extinguisher
- Work Table
- Interior Lighting
- Electrical Outlets
- Hand-washing Sink
- Triple Sink
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