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Naturals 2 Go N2G Combo Healthy Vending Machine Route for Sale in Missouri!

2012 N2go Nv2020 Soda Vending Machines Missouri for Sale
$12,400 all Item No: MO-I-691P Location: Blue Springs, Missouri - Pickup Only for this item
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For sale in Missouri, this is a vending machine route with (3) fully electronic snack & beverage machines by Naturals 2 Go, all currently on locations in Blue Springs, Missouri. See details for route info.
$12,400 all in Blue Springs, Missouri

Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more soda vending machines like this here!
Missouri vending route for sale. (3) 2012 Naturals 2 Go electronic snack & drink vending machines. All 3 machines are located with the same company, in 2 buildings (2 machines in one building, 1 in a building 1 block away). There are no contracts currently in place and are serviced every 1.5 weeks. Gross sales are averaging $4500 for all 3 machines.The machines hold snacks and drinks -- and focuses on offering healthy snacks and drinks
 Machine info:
 - Machines are less than 1 year old.
- Snacks in the top portion (8 bagged snacks & 8 bar selections)
 - Drinks in the bottom portion (6 total drinks: 2 bottles, 2 cans, 2 bottles or cans)
 - The machine accepts cash and credit cards. Machine outfitted with Credit card reader. This reader also comes with an online account which allows you to monitor sales activity, receive reports on sales, etc.
- Machine also has a compact, eco-friendly energy saving design...along with bright decals on the outside to attract customers.
 - You will also have access to toll free support for the machines should issues come up, or if you have questions.
 - Also included: machine brochures, dolly for carting product, owner's manual for machine.

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