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Orangfresh Electronic Fresh Orange Juice Vending Machines for Sale in New York!

2014 Agroindustry Advanced Technologies S.p.a. Or70 & Or130 Other Soda Vending Machine New York for Sale
$6,950 ea. Item No: NY-I-852V Location: Brooklyn, New York - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For sale in New York- (8) 2014 Orangfresh Orange Juice Vending Machine OR70 & OR130 - Brand new! See details for specs.
$6,950 ea. in New York
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more other soda vending machines like this here!
With OR 70and OR 130 you can offer to your customers, wherever they are, a refrigerated freshly squeezed orange juice, prepared in a few seconds, right in front of their eyes, with a programmed number of oranges or through a juice level sensor. The Oranfresh vending machines are unique on the market thanks to the patented squeezing process and the solid structure made of steel. The wide window allows to see the orange storage and the juicer in action.
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