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Ready to Convert - Chevrolet P30 Step Van | Used Truck with Solar System for Sale in California!

1989 P30 Stepvan California Gas Engine for Sale
$11,500 Item No: CA-SV-865R3 Location: California - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
1989 Chevy P30 with a 350 gas engine and automatic transmission. It has 300,000 miles, has been well-maintained as part of a fleet, and runs smoothly, starting up easily. It features a 1875-watt solar system on the roof, a 6000-watt inverter, and a large lithium battery. You can plug in any appliance just like at home. Would make a great mobile office, dog groomer truck, salon, or food service unit. See details. 
$11,500 in California
Seller notes: I built this years ago for Burning Man, aiming for a vehicle that could stay in the sun and run the AC all day without needing a generator, and it does just that and more.

Two years ago, I purchased land and lived in this van for several months while renovating the property. I managed to make a 150% profit. Last winter, the van provided power to a cabin where I stayed for months while working on a custom renovation in the mountains. It’s definitely going to pay for itself!

Park this next to your house and connect the panels directly to your meter to reduce your electric bill. Instead of adding on to your house, you could use this for your least favorite child! You could also rent it out on Airbnb!


  • Odometer Mileage: 300,000 miles

Equipment List

  • Equipment Power Supply

  • Generator
  • Solar Panels: 1875 watt
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Gas Engine
  • Additional Equipment

  • 600 watt inverter
  • huge lithium battery
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