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Ready to Customize - 2015 40' IC RE300 Bus | Skoolie Bus for Sale in Utah!

2015 Re300 Skoolie Utah Diesel Engine for Sale
$31,360 Item No: UT-PM-250J3 Location: Utah - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Do you want to have a unique and fun project? Right here is a ready-to-customize empty school bus. It’s a great opportunity to unleash your creativity! You can transform it into anything you can imagine. You can make it cozy, comfortable, and convenient. Make it yours by calling us now!
$31,360 in Utah
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more skoolies like this here!
Seller's Description

Super clean, underage is virtually rust-free. All seats have been removed. This is a blank slate, turn it into anything you want! RV, food truck, party bus. I have installed a 12k mini split on the front of the bus. It cools it down great and can heat it as well. I've got the ceiling started, and I will finish it if you want me to. It has speakers wired in and working along with wiring for lights in the ceiling. Comes with a bunch of stuff I've purchased for it, like lights, electric panels, and such.


  • Odometer Mileage: 93,000 miles

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Air Conditioning: 12k btu, front mount mini split. Requires 110v
  • Insulated Walls: Factory insulated walls
  • Electrical

  • Interior Lighting: Included, not installed
  • Breaker Panel: 50A included, not installed
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic: Allison transmission
  • Diesel Engine: Maxxforce dt466
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