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Seaga Snack and Soda Cold Drink Combo Healthy Vending Machine w/ Location For Sale in Tennessee!

N2g5000 Natural Vending Combo Tennessee for Sale
$6,718 Item No: TN-HV-734T3 Location: La Vergne, Tennessee - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Tennessee, here is a Seaga Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machine. Machine is currently on location, included in sale. See details for specs.
$6,718 in Tennessee
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more natural vending combos like this here!
Seaga snack and drink combo vending machine for sale with location.Price includes Nayax card reader and all the products and coins in it. Auto repair and rental place
75 employees + unknown visitors (machine available for both)
Standard business hours are M-F 6am-11pm
Monthly sales $300-$400 with 60%+ profit margins. Machine is not visible for customers that are getting parts only, so with proper signage to drive more traffic and better product selection it has potential to do more.
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