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Signifi Elevate Touchscreen/ Custom User Interface Automated Retail Vending Machine for Sale in Mississippi!

Vending Combo Mississippi for Sale
$1,000 Item No: MS-L-620N3 Location: Corinth, Mississippi - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
These state of the art automated merchandisers from Siginfi can handle multiple sized and shaped products! Appropriate for even high traffic areas. Best of all, no belts or motors to deal with. Comes w/ complete onboard computer & touchscreen. See details for more info. 


Was:  $1,500
You Save:  $500 (33% off)
Price Now:  $1,000


Easy, fail-safe merchandising. Height and lane information can be changed in minutes for planogram changes. Never a need for special packaging, even when you have odd-shaped products.

NOTE: To use the machine, the new owner will need to work with Signifi to set up the firmware for your needs. Call for info, or you can visit the contact page at Signifi (dot) com. Machines manufactured in Canada. 

Comes with the following features:

AI and Machine Learning

Content Management

Reliable - Industry leading uptime

Digital Signage

Real-Time Dashboard

Demand Forecasting

No Belts, No Motors

Advanced Merchandising

Traffic Monitoring


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