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Still Boxed 2009 Antares Office Deli Snack and Drink Combo with Side Merchandiser Entree For Sale in California!

Office Deli Antares Office Deli Vending Combo California for Sale
$4,600 Item No: CA-L-632E3 Location: Antioch, California - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Antares Office Deli Snack Drink Combo Vending Machines and 1Entree Merchandiser are for sale in California. See details for specs.
Photo is an example; machine is still in it's shipping box. 
$4,600 in California
Still Boxed Antares Office Deli snack and drink combo with a entree merchandiser. It has 24 Selections and 14 entree selections for additional snacks.A bountiful buffet only steps away.

69.5” high, 42.4” wide, 28.5” deep
Power: 115 VAC @ 7 amps maximum
The Office Deli’s sleek design compliments any decor, and its compact format takes up less space than units that offer similar variety and selection. Ruggedly built for high traffic indoor locations, the Office Deli uses oversized motors and field-proven electronics and controls to assure reliable vends.

An unparalleled variety of selections in only 1/3 the space.
8 selections of refrigerated beverages
16 selections of mixed snacks
14 mixed entree and meal sides
The Office Deli accepts nickels, dimes, quarters, $1 & $5 bills and returns change in coins.

What’s for lunch? Anything you want. Serving everything from microwaveable entrees to snacks and drinks.
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Tracy Smith
Tracy Smith
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