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Super Clean - 2004 Freightliner MT45 Diesel Step Van | Truck for Mobile Business for Sale in Utah!

2004 Mt45 Stepvan Utah Diesel Engine for Sale
$14,375 Item No: UT-SV-020S3 Location: Utah - Pickup or have it transported!
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Join the growing trend by putting your business on wheels with this 2004 Freightliner MT45 step van. It comes with 10 years of service records and newly rebuilt motors that have less than 100,000 miles. This truck is perfect for various uses, whether it's a food truck, delivery vehicle, mobile boutique, RV, or camper. Give us a call today to make this unit yours!
$14,375 in Utah
This unit has records for the alternator, suspension, and brakes. It also features a removable hydraulic lift in the back, making it perfect for a food truck setup! The tires are in excellent condition, and there are no leaks.
Notice: Possible odometer issue with some FedEx trucks. See detailed info.

FedEx Lawsuit Filed By Party Claiming False Odometer Readings

Note: There is pending litigation filed in June 2023 regarding some former FedEx trucks regarding possible incorrect odometer mileage on their trucks where the odometers were replaced. We do not know if this vehicle is affected or if this claim is even true until the courts decide. However, we wanted to make you aware that this claim is being made in court so that you or your mechanic can do proper due diligence when inspecting.

You can learn more about this claim at Federal lawsuit alleges FedEx replaced odometers on used trucks

Equipment List

  • Other Equipment

  • Diesel Engine
  • Additional Equipment

  • alternator
  • hydraulic lift
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