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TVC-TOM-VC, The Vending Company Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machine for Sale in New York!

Vending Combo New York for Sale
$3,000 Item No: NY-L-673Y2 Location: White Plains, New York - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in New York, here is a TVC-Tom VC, Snack and Drink Combo Vending Machine. See details for specs.
$3,000 in New York
Too late - This item is Sold or no longer available, but You can see more other vending combos like this here!
TVC-TOM-VC-The Vending Company snack and drink combo vending machine for sale.

This has 32 Selections and a Nayax CC reader. The machine has a coin/bill receptor has been removed due to Covid to avoid handling cash and accepting credit cards only!!

SETUP: The One Machine (TOM-VC) TVC America Shelve setup- 1) 4 selections 7 deep chips / pastries 2) 4 selections 8 deep chips / pastries 3) 6 selections 15 deep candy bars / granola bars 4) 6 selections 5 deep bottle / energy drink / can / other products 5) 6 selections 5 deep bottle / energy drink / can / other products 6) 6 selections 5 deep 12 oz can only Features- 4 wide Total capacity 240 products total..

*Drop sensors to guarantee the vending accord Credit card reader capable. Clean and bright design LCD display Fully refrigerated with a digital thermostat
Description 29 Deep x 31 Wide x 78 Tall Weight 550 Adjustable legs.

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