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Turnkey Frozen Dessert Froyo Soft Serve Ice Cream Fully Autonomous Vending Business for Sale in Connecticut!

Frozen Dessert Autonomous Vending Kiosk Other Soda Vending Machine Connecticut for Sale
$38,500 Item No: CT-SN-072J2 Location: Ellington, Connecticut - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Take advantage of this great opportunity for a hands off, contactless vending business! Available for purchase is a turnkey frozen dessert autonomous vending business that consists of 3 free-standing, fully autonomous kiosks that can serve Froyo, soft serve, gelato or other frozen confections! Turn you mobile food business dream into reality by calling us today!
$38,500 in Connecticut

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Each of the 3 free-standing kiosks included in this sale holds 200 servings and 6 different toppings. Cash, credit, debit, and NFC payments are all accepted. Place anywhere with moderate traffic for consistent income.

The earliest machine is model year 2018 and the newest is model year 2020. The machines operated for approximately 2 years before being removed from service in late winter due to the location shutting down because of COVID
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