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Vintage 1954 GM Coach 40' Diesel Bus Kitchen Food Truck + 14' Licensed Reefer Trailer for Sale in British Columbia!

1954 Coach Bus Food Truck All-purpose Food Truck British Columbia Diesel Engine for Sale
$30,800 Item No: CAN-T-369E3 Location: British Columbia - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
Available for you to purchase today is a vintage 1954 GM Coach bus + a licensed reefer trailer combo! Both units are ready to help kickstart your mobile culinary adventures, call us for more details!
NOTE This is a VINTAGE unit and will require special handling. See details. 
Price in USD:
*Mechanical inspection required. No transport; pick up only on this item.
$30,800 in British Columbia

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Kitchen was built in 1990. 

Seller notes: 

* Hood and fire suppression system would get annual certification and fire department inspected. Regular cleaning of the hood and stainless steel filters. The bus is 90% aluminum but the reefer trailer's body is wood under metal with a steel framing. Both units have vinyl flooring, walls, and ceilings. Stainless steel around where needed for cooking, food preparation areas, washing area by sinks, and sales counter. Reefer trailer body is good. The bus is functional but has been moved by permits because we only did 3-4 events a year, so it hasn't been Licensed and Certified for regular road use. The dash gauges got vandalized and don't work and the charging system stopped working recently. The only rust spot is the floor under the driver's feet. Bus or Reefer trailer hasn't been driven in the winter since its conversion in 1990. The bus has air brakes and air ride suspension but manual steering. Rides and steers nicely on the road but is a little tough to steer when parking. The Reefer trailer has electric brakes and can be towed by any pickup. It also comes with electric brakes with a modern and updated cooler unit. Have matching multiple locks to secure the bus and reefer with one key. 

* The food bus is 38' long, 12' to top of hood fan, 10' to top of hood if fan gets taken off, it might be cheaper to buy an over-height permit. The width is 8'. The reefer trailer is 17' total length, box is 12' long, 7' 4" wide outsides of fenders. I forgot to measure the height but am quite sure it's 8'-8 1/2 ft. The weight isn't on the regy but should be 5000 to 6000 Lbs. This trailer is not very light because of the material used. 

* The registration for the bus says Net Weight in (kg) 8464 and GVW (kg) 12700. The body style has been changed to concession when this conversion happened. When you change a vehicles use it's expected to get it weighed by a Certified Scale so this net weight should be quite accurate. The GVW is a maximum weight that is picked for a single axle truck like this. It doesn't mean that it will ever be loaded to that weight. This bus is mostly an aluminum other than the drivetrain and front axle subframe.
As for the length of nose from centre of front axle is 7 1/2 ft so 8ft gives a little extra because I was measuring by myself. If this measurement is for a tow truck hookup, I would say that you would have to hook to the axle and not onto the bumper because the nose structure isn't designed for towing. This bus could be towed if done by a professional because it does have a short driveshaft the could be unhooked so no mess is made by pulling the axles. The rear tire are a winter retread that are old, but have never given us any problems.

Additional info from the seller:

*Charging system not working - this means the generator has batteries it works off of; sellers switches batteries since he suspects a coupler is broken, affecting the drive, so he has been using batteries to operate. Generator is for motor and lights etc. Kitchen is 50 amp breaker and hooked it directly to power source where they were set up.

* To the best of my ability to measure by myself the wheelbase is 23.6 ft. Overhang on the front and rear from centre of hub to back of bumpers is around 7 ft. As for wheels they are 10 bolt 20 inch. I don't know what kind of rear-end but the gear ratio is high enough to hit 100km per hour on the Highway. This bus has air ride suspension which rides nice. As for front axle it's air ride but manual steering.

* All certifications have expired
* Bus body paint is tarnished but rust free
* Rear bumper is damaged
* Odometer is broken

SOLD AS IS. This is a VINTAGE unit.
No additional diagnostics or mechanical info is available from the seller. Buyer must have own mechanic. No recent commercial repairs have been done. Furthest its been driven is 3/4 hour away from seller's home and its a flat space driving it to and from that location. This is not meant to be driven daily, or cross country, in steep places, or rough roads. It should be used as a stationary item and should be transported on a flatbed by commercial shipper to it's destination. New owner should be familiar with driving commercial rigs. 


  • Truck Specifications

  • VEHICLE Year of Manufacture: 1954
  • Manufacturer: GM
  • Model: Coach Bus Food Truck
  • Length: 40'
  • How many Miles on the body?: 100,000 miles
  • What Year was Kitchen Installed: 1990
  • Kitchen equipment runs on: GAS & ELECTRICITY

Equipment List

  • Vehicle Features

  • Concession Window(s): 3 - 4'
  • Stainless Steel Wall Covers: Behind cooking area
  • Equipment Power Supply

  • Propane Tank(s): 3 - 100 lbs
  • Shore Power Cord: 75' twist coupler
  • Refrigeration

  • Deep Freezer: Small
  • Refrigerator
  • Cooking Equipment

  • Flatgrill: 4'
  • Fryer(s): 2 Therma-Tek double basket fryers
  • Food Warmer: Fry station/heat lamps
  • Kitchen Equipment

  • Exhaust Hood: 10'
  • Exhaust Fan: 1 HP
  • Fire Extinguisher
  • Pro Fire Suppression System
  • Work Table: 10' total stainless steel and 1 - 4' Arborite
  • Electrical

  • Interior Lighting: 4' fluorescent
  • Electrical Outlets: 6 or 8
  • Breaker Panel: 50 amp
  • Plumbing

  • Hot Water Heater: 25 gal
  • Hand-washing Sink
  • Double Sink
  • Gray Water Tank: 35 gal
  • Other Equipment

  • Transmission - Automatic
  • Diesel Engine: Detroit
  • Anti-Lock Brakes: Air brakes
  • Additional Equipment

  • Steps for all doors and serving windows
  • 50' food grade water hose
  • Storage racks
  • Storage tubs
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