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Vintage WORKING 1964 Cavalier Coca- Cola USS-8-64 Soda Vending Machine For Sale in Florida!

1964 Uss-8-64 Other Soda Vending Machine Florida for Sale
$2,250 Item No: FL-SO-540O3 Location: Winter Park, Florida - Pickup Only for this item
Big Dreams? We Can Help!
For Sale in Florida, here is a Vintage 1964 Cavalier USS8 Coke Cola Soda Vending Machine. See details for specs.

$2,250 in Florida
Up for your viewing pleasure is a vintage 1964 Cavalier Coca Cola  USS-8-64 Soda Vending machine for sale. It has 8 selections for cans or bottles. The seller states it's in near perfect condition.

The seller owned it since 2001. It was fully refurbished when he got it.

It still runs perfectly, keeps all of the drinks ice cold even at the lowest setting. The only issue is an abundance of condensation inside that has cause water to pool under the bottle area, it's caused some rust. There is some condensation in the glass as well and the florescent bulb inside needs replacing.

It was wrapped in plastic for 3 years, and the pattern of the plastic wrap got imprinted on the black area on the front of the machine. It's hard to see in the photos, but the machine still looks amazing.
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