How to Sell Food Trucks Faster with Great Photos

Listings with great photos sell 40% quicker on

Which one would you buy?

Food Truck Good Exterior
Food Truck Bad Photo Example

Pretty obvious? Right. Why is that?

Photos matter. A little prep work
done now definitely pays off later.

Steps to Sell Your Food Truck Like A Pro

Clean Inside & Out

Wipe down equipment so your pics will look even better. Remove all trash from floors. Remove any items like barrels, chairs, banners, etc. so the truck looks larger with plenty of space. Put those extra items in a set outside and take separate photos of those if they are included with the sale.
Food Truck Bad Interrior
Food Truck Kitchen Equipment

Hide All Supplies, Hand Tools, Consumables, etc.

This includes:

  • Paper towels
  • Cups
  • Knives
  • Spatulas
  • Forks
  • Napkins
  • Bags of chips
  • Sauces
  • Coffee containers
  • Syrup flavors
  • Straws
  • Food containers

Food Truck Kitchen Equipment
Make it look like it's for sale on a large car lot. People want to imagine themselves using it without someone else's clutter - needs to appear move-in-ready.

Find A Presentable Location

Trucks and trailers that are sitting on a hillside or in a park, looking like they're ready for action blow away items that are sitting by an old building with grass grown up beside them or other old cars parked next to them.

Also, a wide open location allows for images that capture the full sides of your food truck or trailer. It looks much better than a partial side because another vehicle is in the way. Buyer’s who are distracted from your item by clutter will usually keep scrolling.
Food Truck for Sale Good Exterior

How To Use The Camera Like A Pro

Believe it or not, taking great photos has more to do with you than it does with the camera you’re using. We’ve seen great photos from outdated camera phones sell food trucks like crazy. It was the photographer that made the difference.

Be sure to do things like:
  • Hold the camera SIDEWAYS, not tall
  • Get it in the frame (composition)
  • Make sure it’s in focus
  • Avoid glare in the photo
  • Use lighting to your advantage
  • Mind the margins (edges of the photo)
Food Truck Bad Exterior
Food Truck Bad Exterior
Food Truck Bad Exterior
Food Truck Bad Interrior
Food Truck Bad Exterior
Food Truck Bad Interrior
Great Photos
Great Photos Should NOT Include:

  • Trash & debris
  • Other vehicles or high grass
  • Walkways filled with clutter
  • Boxes of consumables, cups, etc...
  • Sinks full of pots & pans
  • Fridge with items inside

Take The Right Pics

  • Interior and exterior shots of the windows open with lights on
Food Truck Good Exterior
Food Truck Kitchen
  • People in the shots operating the equipment or purchasing from the window
Food Truck in Use People Outside
Food Truck in Use People Outside
  • Photos of the tire tread
Truck Tires Tread
  • Full view photos of each piece of equipment
Food Truck Kitchen
Kitchen Equipment
Generator Equipment
Ice Cream Truck Equipment

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